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Friday, October 23, 2009

This may be offensive...

I have to be careful here because in one blog post I have the opportunity to offend every person that reads this. If I offend you I assure you of two things: 1.) I have no intentions of hurting you, and 2.) I edited everything I type here and yes I meant to say it the way it's written (I do not guarantee my grammar or speling).

A number of people have asked me during my time in Europe what God is doing or has done in my life since I left the States. After seven weeks of being here I still don't know how to answer those questions. Don't get me wrong, everyone that asks me is a friend and I completely know their intentions. They really do want to know that I continue to walk a straight and narrow path.

I decided before this trip that with everything that used to occupy my brain, the things I couldn't control, I was done with. That includes me continually worrying about what God is doing and whether He is pleased with me or not. You will probably not read this in the way it was intended. I don't know how else to say it.

I try my best to keep people informed of my life in Sevilla. Maybe even to the detriment of my learning as it's not the best thing to spend a lot of time writing in English while I could be writing in Spanish. I write because I feel the urge to write. I write and take pictures because I am alone on this journey and I want somebody to get a glimpse of what God is doing with my life. The pictures and posts and videos are there because I need to share this experience with someone close to me. I was not created to go through life and hoard all the incredible things I experience to myself. I just wasn't made that way. is what God is doing in my life. I write my thoughts on Twitter and post pics on Facebook because that is what God is doing in my life. When I talk with you or email or creep on Facebook I believe that whatever I take from those means of communication is what God is doing in your life...even if you don't believe in the same God I do.

I can tell you anything I want. I know how my Spanish teacher wants me to answer a question, I know what the girl in the bar wants to hear to keep her interested, and I know the buzz words the Christian wants to hear about how God is working. If most Christians that talk to me, read my blog, and/or see my Facebook profile feel like I am a bad representation of Jesus, I'm sorry, but that is what is coming form my heart.

There are events in my life I will not post anywhere. Some situations are between me and another person or group. If they want to tell people how God is using me great. If they don't notice that God is using me then I can't control that, only He can. My belief in God means that He will make Himself evident in other's eyes because I am not good enough to allow someone to see Him. All I can do is try like hell to treat others in the manner they deserve. Do I always do that? No, which leads me to...

It's too hard to be perfect. In our pursuit for perfection we miss out on the things in front of us today. I have tried to be perfect and it has gotten me nowhere. The time and thoughts it took to attempt to be the perfect Christian I could have used to show the love we are called to exemplify.

I don't like writing like this. I believe actions are bigger than spoken or written words.

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